8:30 AM - BEG/INT
4:15 PM - BEG/INT
5:30 PM - INT/ADV. (this class is FULL)
4 rounds for time of: Row 500 meters 50 double-unders 5x [1 wall walk + 1 strict wall-facing handstand push-up]
Then, 200-ft overhead walking lunge
♀ 25-lb plate ♂ 45-lb plate
Scaling: If you do not have double-unders, read “Jump Rope Basics” and practice single-unders. Modify the handstand push-up to a pushing exercise that challenges your current abilities while allowing you to keep working for 5 sets without hitting failure.
Intermediate option: 4 rounds for time of: Row 500 meters 50 double-unders 5x [1 wall walk + 1 strict wall-facing handstand push-up to 2 AbMats]
Then, 200-ft overhead walking lunge

♀ 15-lb plate ♂ 35-lb plate
Beginner option: 3 rounds for time of: Row 300 meters 50 single-unders 5x [1 push-up + 1 wall walk]
Then, 200-ft walking lunge (unweighted)