Every 2 minutes until the required repetitions cannot be completed in the given time:
Run 200 meters 5 burpees
*Add 2 burpees after each round
(example:) ROUND 1: Run 200m * 5 BURPEES
ROUND 2: Run 200m * 7 BURPEES
ROUND 3: Run 200m * 9 BURPEES
ROUND 4: Run 200m * 11 BURPEES
....when you can NO LONGER complete the requirement in 2 MINUTES, add YOUR BURPEES for a TOTAL SCORE.

Scaling: Everyone should aim to complete at least 5 rounds. If you are not confident you can complete 5 rounds as written, start at 3 burpees on the first round or run 100 meters each round or both. If you are confident you can complete 7-10 rounds, perform burpee pull-ups.
Beginner option: Every 2 minutes until the required repetitions cannot be completed in the given time: Run 100 meters 3 burpees
*Add 2 burpees after each round