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Wednesday 03/13/24 (3 SESSIONS)


8:30 AM: ALL LEVELS, Great for Beginners

4:15 PM: Beginner/Intermediate * Young athletes, Teachers, self-employed

5:30 PM: Intermediate/Advanced with some CF knowledge

TODAY'S WOD: 5 rounds for time of: 14 overhead WEIGHTED walking lunge 21 burpees

♀ 35-lb barbell ♂ 45-lb barbell

Scaling: CLICK ON THE BLUE LINK BELOW TO WATCH LUNGE TUTORIAL Watch The Overhead Lunge and practice the movement with a barbell. If you struggle to keep the bar overhead, consider reducing the load to a PVC pipe or modify the movement to a single dumbbell overhead lunge. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as prescribed.

Beginner option: 3 rounds for time of: 50-foot overhead walking lunge with a PVC pipe 21 burpees

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