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TUESDAY 09/19/23 "Filthy FIFTY"


♀ 20-inch box, 12-kg KB, 35-lb push press, 14-lb ball ♂ 24-inch box, 16-kg KB, 45-lb push press, 20-lb ball

Beginner Option: For time:

30 box jumps 30 jumping pull-ups 30 kettlebell swings 30 walking-lunge steps 30 hanging leg raises 30 push presses 30 back extensions 30 wall-ball shots 30 burpees 30 single-unders

♀12-inch box, 4-kg KB, 11-lb push press, 8-lb ball ♂ 16-inch box, 8-kg KB, 22-lb push press, 10-lb ball

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