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Thursday 11/16/23 HERO WOD Shawn



WE WILL CAP OUR WOD AT 45 minutes, using the INTERMEDIATE OPTION - get as far as you can in that time. COUNT PUSH UPS AND SQUATS.

U.S. Army Captain Shawn G. Hogan, of Salem, New Hampshire, died Oct. 17, 2012. The 28-year-old was fatally injured in a training exercise at Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area in Golden Pond, Kentucky. He was assigned to Company B, 4th Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) in Fort Campbell. Hogan is survived by his parents, Richard and Jean; and sister, Nicole.

Scaling: Reduce run distance to complete this workout in 6 sets or less and under 45 minutes in total. Reduce squat and push-up reps as needed to keep the total volume of this workout within your current physiological tolerance.

Intermediate option: 4-mile run

Run in 5-minute intervals, stopping after each to perform 25 squats and 25 push-ups before beginning the next 5-minute run interval.

Beginner option: 2.5-mile walk or jog

Walk or jog in 5-minute intervals, stopping after each to perform 10 squats and 10 knee push-ups before beginning the next 5-minute run interval.

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