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THURSDAY 09/12/24 * 20 min. AMRAP and M&M


3 sessions TODAY!!

8:30 AM & 5:30 PM: 20 minute AMRAP

4:15 PM: Movement & Mobility with Pablo

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 3 Wall climbs 10 Up-downs 5 Parallette pass-throughs (forward + back = 1)

10 Grasshoppers (right + left = 1)

For the wall climbs, toes and chest touch the ground to toes and chest touch the wall.

For the up-downs, thighs touch the ground then stand up fully.

For the pass-throughs, the hips open at the front and back.

For the grasshoppers, the shin contacts the opposite forearm.

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